ATAMMC Operating Status, February 12, 2025. CLICK HERE to learn more.

About Us

Research Programs

Welcome to the Department of Research Programs — where science thrives in a Culture of Excellence, and we bring together evidence-based design and medicine. Our mission is to facilitate investigators from the conception of an idea through its safe implementation, to the dissemination of its findings. We strive to stimulate a culture of research to promote the safest, scientifically tested, evidence-based care for Warriors and their families.

Research Education and Protocol Development

Research education and protocol development is the bedrock to a successful research study. Our department facilitates an array of services ranging from considerations around human subjects protection, to research statistics, to the conducting of clinical trials.

Our staff is available to meet with investigators to discuss protocol ideas, study design, funding opportunities, statistical considerations and ethics. The department can also facilitate meetings with our two grantee organizations, the Geneva Foundation and the Henry Jackson Foundation, for matters of grants and Cooperative Research and Development Agreements.

To make an appointment, please call 571-231-2537.

Research Assurance, Collaboration, Oversight and Dissemination

Research oversight entails the compliance with all federal, state, Department of Defense, local and institutional regulations, laws and policies related to human subject protection and the ethical conduct of research. A.T. Augusta Military Medical Center holds a Department of Defense research assurance as well as a federal-wide assurance with the Department of Health and Human Services.

To ensure proper scientific and human subject protection review of protocols, the Department of Research Programs has a collaborative relationship with Walter Reed National Military Medical Center at Bethesda and the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Institutional Review Boards. Research protocols are audited to ensure their adherence to the approved plan as well as to provide an opportunity for investigators to discuss any potential concerns.

To support research collaboration, Research Programs works closely with Walter Reed's Office of Research and Technology Application to assist with technology transfer through cooperative research and development agreements, material transfer agreements and non-disclosure agreements. When investigators are ready to disseminate their research findings via abstracts, manuscripts, poster or podium presentations; the Department of Research Programs works closely with A.T. Augusta Military Medical Center's strategic communications office to facilitate the process.

Evidence-Based Design Projects/Research

Evidence-based design is the concept of improving patient, staff and organizational outcomes through hospital design. Various aspects of the built environment such as the design of patient rooms, natural lighting, views of nature, decrease of ambient noise and state of the art technology have been shown to have positive effects on patient recovery and outcomes as well as staff satisfaction and retention. As the Department of Defense’s premiere evidence-based design hospital and the first military hospital to deploy Smart Suite technology, A.T. Augusta Military Medical Center serves as the host for various evidence-based design research initiatives.

Defense Medical Research Network

A.T. Augusta Military Medical Center is a member of the Defense Medical Research Network. The DMRN is the electronic research submission management system which hosts an array of useful guides and frequently asked questions regarding research within the military system. It also serves as a networking portal to contact other military research departments and investigators throughout the United States.

Contact Us




Monday–Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Weekends and Holidays: Closed


Sunrise Pavilion, Floor 1, Medical Library
Room S1.902

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