Health Clinics

DiLorenzo Pentagon Health Clinic

Effective April 1, 2025, the DiLorenzo Pentagon Health Clinic (DPHC) Laboratory will no longer accept handwritten orders from non-DOD providers (i.e., orders that originate from civilian providers). Additionally, DPHC providers will not transfer handwritten orders from non-DOD providers into the electronic MHS Genesis system for processing. This policy is in-line with the ATAMMC and ATAMMC branch clinic laboratories. All patients are directed to use Humana (TRICARE) to complete their lab tests.

DiLorenzo Pentagon Health Clinic Laboratory

We strive everyday to provide the best diagnostic laboratory support to your Health Care Provider in a team effort giving you the best care anywhere. Our laboratory has made it OUR standard to continuously exceed the National Capital Region standard for patient wait times, ensuring that you not only get quality service but also don’t have to wait very long to get it. Our lab is accredited by the College of American Pathologist (CAP) and the Joint Commission (TJC).   

Testing performed on-site at the DPHC Lab


  • BMP, CMP, Renal panel
  • Lipid panel (requires 12-hour fast: nothing to eat/drink except plain water, consult with your physician regarding any medications)
  • Amylase, LDH, and Uric Acid
  • Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT), by appointment only 703-692-8986


  • CBC with/without automated differential
  • Automated reticulocyte count
  • Manual WBC differential
  • Monospot test
  • Post-Vasectomy analysis (Initial testing only-repeat testing needs to be performed at either ATAMMC or WRNMMC)


  • KOH/Wet Prep for in-house HCPs only
  • SARS-COV-2/Flu/RSV PCR (Results ready in approximately 24 hours)
  • Rapid Strep


  • Urinalysis with/without microscopic
  • hCG/pregnancy test (serum/urine qualitative test only)

Additional Information

Specimen collection is performed during normal operating hours and patients are seen on a walk-in basis. 

  • Biennial HIV requests are handled on a walk-in basis, documentation is required indicating HIV is due.  
  • Appointments are required for glucose tolerance tests and specific patient instructions are available from the lab prior to testing. Please call 703-692-8986 to schedule an appointment with the lab.
  • Patients with lipid panels must fast 12-14 hours prior to specimen collection (nothing to eat or drink except plain water, consult your physician regarding any medications you may be taking).
  • Patients with ESRs and coagulation tests (PT/PTT/INR) must have a draw time prior to noon to ensure results are ready within 24 hours in MHS Genesis.

NOTE: Other lab tests can be collected at DPHC and are shipped to ATAMMC or WRNMMC on a daily basis.   

The Laboratory is prohibited from giving patient results to anyone other than licensed providers.


Contact Us




Laboratory and Phlebotomy (Blood Draw)
7 to 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 to 3 p.m. 
Weekends and Holidays: Closed

Third Thursday each month:
Closed from Noon to 4 p.m. for training


DiLorenzo Pentagon Health Clinic

The Pentagon, Corridor 8
Washington, D.C. 20310

Pentagon Blood Donor Center




Monday–Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Weekends and Holidays: Closed

Platelets by appointment only
Whole Blood walk-in welcome or by appointment


The Pentagon, Corridor 10 and
Main Concourse, Room 2D1063
Washington, D.C. 20310

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!