ATAMMC Operating Status, February 12, 2025. CLICK HERE to learn more.

Patient Resources

Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is an Exceptional Family Member?

An Exceptional Family Member is a Family Member (child or adult) with physical, emotional, developmental or intellectual disability that requires special treatment, therapy, education, training or counseling.

Is the Exceptional Family Program Mandatory?

Enrollment in the Exceptional Family Member Program is MANDATORY, based on public law and Department of Defense mandates. It works with other military and civilian agencies to provide comprehensive and coordinated medical, educational, housing, community support, and personnel services to Service Member’s Families with special needs. This information assists military assignment personnel in matching the family member's special MEDICAL needs against the availability of medical services at the projected duty station. This information assists military assignment personnel in matching the child's special EDUCATION needs against the availability of educational services at the projected duty station.

How do I enroll in the Exceptional Family Member Program?

The service member contacts the Exceptional Family Member Program staff if he or she has any questions. Otherwise, the AD Army service member will initiate the process in E-EFMP.  If the EFM is seen by a non-MTF provider, then the provider must complete the paper copy of the 2792 and the service member or EFM must return it to the EFMP office. Summary of the EFMP Process (highlighting additional or different details) follows:

  1. The EFMP Medical Summary Form (DD Form 2792) is completed by the sponsor/spouse and PCM.
  2. The EFMP Educational Summary Form (DD Form 2792-1) is completed by the sponsor/spouse and school or early intervention social worker.
  3. For EFMs with medical conditions, schedule a primary care appointment with their primary care manager for medical evaluation (i.e. review of medical history and physical exam) and completion of the DD Form 2792. Submit the completed packets (DD Form 2792 and 2792-1) IN PERSON or by Secure Messaging if it was completed by a civilian provider. If applicable, all supporting CIVILIAN/NETWORK/USFHP medical records associated with applicable diagnoses/conditions must be submitted to the Belvoir Hospital EFMP office. during walk-in hours between 8 a.m. to Noon. One of our office personnel will review the documents packet with you at that time to ensure it is complete. Submitted documentation must be legible.
  4. If your PCM works at an MTF, then the paperwork will be processed in E-EFMP.  The provider will complete the 2792 in E-EFMP.  Therefore, there is no need to return the 2792 to the EFMP office.
  5. For EFMs with an IFSP, IEP, and/or 504 plan, the school (NOT the PCM) must complete the DD Form 2792-1.
Note: The provider must complete all eleven (11) pages of the DD Form 2792. For any portion of the document not applicable to the EFMs, the provider should mark NO or NOT APPLICABLE and line through the form. Submitted documentation must be legible. EFMs 18 or older must sign their own 2792 and/or 2792-1.

Note: The ASTHMAMENTAL HEALTH, and AUTISM/ADHD addendums must be completed, if applicable, for all applicable conditions within the last five (5) years.

If my family member is enrolled in the Exceptional Family Member Program can my family go with me overseas?

The Exceptional Family Member Program medical staff screens all family members for possible enrollment in this program. If the family member has any type of special medical, emotional or educational need, their packet is sent forward to Overseas Reassignment Exceptional Family Member Program for determination for availability of services. If services are available 'yes', family members may accompany the service member. If services are NOT available 'no', family members may not accompany the service member. Accompanied tours are NOT guaranteed and do not have an impact on operational assignments, to include deployments. Assignment decisions are made by military assignment, Human Resources (HR) personnel, not the EFMP.

Does enrollment have any impact on the service member's career?

Enrollment in EFMP does not adversely affect selection for promotion, schools, or assignment. Information concerning enrollment in EFMP or any of the data used in the program is NOT made available to selection boards.

What are the benefits of enrollment in EFMP?

Enrollment allows assignment managers at service specific agencies to consider the documented medical and special education needs of Exceptional Family Members in the assignment process. When possible, service members are assigned to an area where the medical and special education needs of the Exceptional Family Member can be met. This is the primary purpose of the EFMP. This will depend on the valid personnel requirement for the service member’s grade, specialty, and eligibility for the tour. All service members are still eligible for worldwide assignments.

Army Community Service (ACS) Exceptional Family Member Program

Army EFMP Respite Care, SNAP (Special Needs Accommodation Process), MIAT (Multi-disciplinary Inclusion Action Team), and other services are available through the ACS EFMP. 

The ACS EFMP program offers numerous services distinctly separate from the medical/education enrollment/update process available at Belvoir Hospital.

Detailed information about the ACS EFMP can be found on the main Fort Belvoir site.

Fort Belvoir ACS EFMP is located at 5965 6th Street Bldg. 1263, Fort Belvoir, VA, 22060. The Fort Belvoir EFMP Program Manager may be contacted at 571-231-7020.

What is the ECHO Program?

Extended Care Health Option (ECHO) is a financial assistance program that provides for services and supplies beyond what is offered by TRICARE. Enrollment in EFMP must be completed to be eligible for ECHO. Examples of things covered by ECHO include Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) or additional durable medical equipment (DME).

Contact Us




Navy EFMP and OSS


TRICARE Area Office Director


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:
8 a.m. to Noon and 1 to 3 p.m.
Wednesday: 8 a.m. to Noon
Third Thursday each month:
Closed after Noon for training
Weekends and Holidays: Closed
Navy EFMP and OSS

Monday–Friday: 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.


Joint Medical Readiness Center

Sunrise Pavilion, Floor 3, Reception 2

Related Links


Additional Information

For Air Force EFMP information please visit:
Air Force Medical Service EFMP 
Air Force Mission Statement 

For service-specific EFMP information,
please visit:
Marine Corps EFMP
Air Force EFMP


DD Form 2792
DD Form 2792-1

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!