Health Clinics

    DiLorenzo Pentagon Health Clinic

    DiLorenzo Pentagon Health Clinic
    Driving Directions & Parking Information

    Directions to DPHC

    The DiLorenzo Pentagon Health Clinic is located just inside the entrance of Corridor 8 in the Pentagon.  

    From Maryland, navigate to 395 South. From Virginia, navigate to 395 North. The Pentagon can be accessed from either the North or South Parking exits. The North Parking is CLOSER to our clinic. Please see our parking instructions below to avoid being towed.

    North Parking Lot

    • After parking in the North Parking Lot, follow the sidewalks leading to the Corridor 8 entrance. The security checkpoint is located at the top of the stairs/ramp. You will need to swipe your CAC with Pentagon access and show it to the guard. When you enter Corridor 8 you will have to go through a second checkpoint with your CAC. As soon as you proceed through security, you'll see the entrance of our clinic on the left.

    South Parking Lot

    • After parking in the South Parking Lot, proceed to the South side and locate the bridge to bring you to the Corridor 2 entrance. You'll enter Corridor 2 and be greeted with a security checkpoint which requires your CAC.
    • As soon as you proceed through security, you will go up the escalators and continue down Corridor 2. At the end of Corridor 2, look for sign that directs you to North Parking. That should bring you through the NATO Corridor (Ring A).
    • At the end of the NATO Corridor, look again for signs that direct you to North Parking. You should then be walking downward though another Corridor. At the end on the ramp, take a right onto Corridor 8 (again, the signs that direct you to North Parking. Take Corridor 8 until you reach the security checkpoint. Just before the checkpoint, the Clinic entrance will be on your right.

    If these instructions are still confusing, please give us a call at 703-692-8810.

    Patient Parking Notice

    NOTE: If you have an assigned Pentagon Parking permit, YOU MUST park where assigned. Failure to do so will result in your car being towed.

    • DPHC has designated patient parking located in North Parking. Make sure to park in lanes 41-42 or 61-62 ONLY.
    • Prior to your healthcare visit, contact us for necessary parking request forms.

    For further questions about parking, please contact the Pentagon Parking Office at 703-697-6251. 

    Contact Us






    Behavioral Health


    Dental Clinic


    Main Pharmacy


    Pharmacy Refills



    Monday–Friday: 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
    Weekends and Holidays: Closed


    Monday–Friday: 7:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.


    DiLorenzo Pentagon Health Clinic

    The Pentagon, Corridor 8
    Washington, D.C. 20310


    MHS Nurse Advice Line
    Urgent Care

    Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!