Patient Resources

Cancer Survivorship Program

Who is a Cancer Survivor?

Anyone living with a history of cancer- from the moment of diagnosis through he remainder of life -is a cancer survivor, as defined by the National Cancer Survivors Day Foundation.

Do I need a Survivorship Care Plan?

  • Oncologic Surveillance
  • Routine Cancer Screening
  • Immunizations
  • Smoking Cessation
  • Healthy Lifestyle
  • Non-Cancer Health Management
  • Psychosocial, Coping, and Adjustment
  • Financial Toxicity
  • Side Effect Management

After active treatment for cancer ends, it is helpful to keep a record of the cancer treatments you received, and the follow-up care plan recommended by your doctor.

For more information contact the Survivorship Clinic within Breast Cancer Clinic at 571-231-2405/2406.

What happens next?

Now that you are nearing the end of your treatment or have completed your treatment, you can enroll in the Survivorship Program. We can coordinate this program together with your cancer treatment team to meet your unique needs and improve your quality of life as you transition from treatment to recovery.

After-care is very important for Cancer Survivors. We want to provide you with the highest level of support and resources in your journey.

  1. We will provide you a SUMMARY of the treatment you have received for your cancer.
  2. We also provide each patient with a customized CARE PLAN so you can stay on top of your health, including:
    • Recommended screening
    • Recommended follow-up
    • Recommended diet & exercise
  3. We can also REFER you to other clinics or specialties as needed for post-treatment concerns.

Contact Us





Monday–Thursday: 6 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Friday, Weekends, and Holidays: Closed


Sunrise Pavilion, Floors 1, Reception 2

Fort Belvoir Community Hospital Map Sunrise Pavilion


Cancer Survivorship Program
Cancer Survivorship Care Plan
Nutrition Services
Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!