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MHS GENESIS Tip of the Week
Thursday, February 19, 2023

Date: 1/23/2023

The following information is intended to assist in your planning as we prepare to migrate our electronic health record (EHR) system in the coming months.

MHS GENESIS is the new electronic health record for the Military Health System. The health record delivers data to healthcare teams wherever patients receive treatment -- whether it’s at a medical facility within the Department of Defense, Department of Veterans Affairs or the U.S. Coast Guard. This record will stay with service members from the time of their enlistment through veteran status.

The Belvoir Hospital will be providing weekly "Tips of the Week" to provide tools to assist in this improvement process.

MHS GENESIS, the DOD's new electronic health record, is coming March 2023. There will be a noticeable increase in pharmacy wait times.


Request Refills in Advance

If your refill prescription is scheduled to run out in March or April 2023, consider requesting it early. Beginning February 25, 2023, you may request an early refill of non-controlled medications when you have used 50% or more of your current supply. TRICARE Online refill requests will no longer be available with MHS GENESIS. Instead, call our refill phone line at 1-800-377-1723 for assistance.

Activate New Prescriptions and Renewals Before You Arrive

TRICARE Online new prescription activation will no longer be available with MHS GENESIS. Instead, to activate your prescription before you arrive at the pharmacy, text “Get in Line” to 877-909-2513.

Go Paperless

MHS GENESIS accepts all electronic prescriptions, including controlled substances. Electronic prescriptions help reduce pharmacy wait times and prevent medication errors. Ask your provider about electronic prescribing for your next prescription.

Consider Alternatives

You may be able to get prescriptions delivered directly to your door! For more information on TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery, visit

We appreciate your patience during this transition. Thank you for growing with us!

More detailed information is also available on the Belvoir Hospital Facebook page:

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!