ATAMMC Operating Status, February 12, 2025. CLICK HERE to learn more.

Health Services


The providers at Alexander T. Augusta Military Medical Center encourage you to enroll in CenteringPregnancy! This is prenatal care in a group setting with 10-12 other women who have a due date close to yours. Women meet for 10 interactive, two-hour sessions over the course of the pregnancy. Sessions include the mom and baby assessment, as well as provide education and support. Partners are welcome to attend with you. This model of care takes the place of the traditional one-on-one prenatal visit with a provider.

Please let your nurse or provi​der know at your initial OB appointments that you are interested in CenteringPregnancy.

Benefits of group prenatal care:

  • Prenatal care in a supportive, social environment
  • Continuity of care- You will see same provider throughout pregnancy
  • More time spent with the provider
  • Schedule of sessions provided at beginning of pregnancy; no need to make appointments
  • Groups start and end on time; no time spent in waiting room!

Studies have shown that Centering patients are:

  • Better prepared for labor and birth
  • More likely to breastfeed
  • At a reduced risk of preterm labor and birth
  • More satisfied with the prenatal care experience


Contact Us


Clinic and Appointments


Labor and Delivery Triage


Mother Baby Unit


Mother Baby Delivery Room


MHS Nurse Advice Line

1-800-TRICARE, Option 1


Monday–Wednesday, Friday:
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Thursday: 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Weekends and Holidays: Closed

Third Thursday each month: Closed for training during the afternoon


Oaks Pavilion, Floor 1, Room O1.400


Breast Care Center
Contraceptive Care
FAQ - Women's Health

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!