ATAMMC Operating Status, February 12, 2025. CLICK HERE to learn more.

Patient Resources

Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)

Enterprise Exceptional Family Member Program (E-EFMP):

The Army EFMP has transitioned to using the Enterprise Exceptional Family Member Program (E-EFMP) to process all EFMP and Family Member Travel paperwork. As a result, certain processes have changed. Please reference The U.S. Army Enterprise E-EFMP website and FAQs for more details.

If you have questions regarding the new processes, or any of the required EFMP actions, contact the EFMP staff by sending an e-mail to, or by calling 571-231-1054.

Virtual OCONUS Screening

Virtual OCONUS screenings are conducted by an audio-visual platform or audio-only platform, instead of face-to-face. Soldiers and family members may initiate the process through the E-EFMP website. The DA Form 5888 must be signed by the sponsor's S1 or personnel department prior to uploading it to the E-EFMP website.

What is the EFMP?

TThe EFMP is a program offered by each service to support families with special medical and educational needs throughout the service member’s career. Family members should enroll in EFMP when a qualifying condition is diagnosed. Each branch has its own EFMP and enrollment process.

EFMP family support services are also available at your installation. The family support services team is your main point of contact for EFMP information.

They can connect you with:

  • Military Support Services and Resources
  • Community Support Services and Resources

The family support services team can also answer specific EFMP questions based on your branch or installation.

Military One Source 

Visit the Special Needs Resources page on Military One Source for more information about the EFMP. 

Contact a Representative

To find an EFMP representative, visit the Military Installations website.

If you are overseas, contact the TRICARE Area Office (TAO) Director at 1-888-777-8343 and choose the menu option for your overseas area.

Enrollment Forms

The required forms for enrollment are available here:

  • DD Form 2792, "Family Member Medical Summary," JAN 2021 This form is used to document a family member's special medical needs and for enrollment in the Exceptional Family Member Program. This information assists military assignment personnel in matching the family member's special medical needs against the availability of medical services at the projected duty station.
  • DD Form 2792-1, "Special Education/Early Intervention Summary," JAN 2021 This form is used to document the special education needs of a child with a disability, birth through age 21, and for enrollment in the Exceptional Family Member Program. This information will assist military assignment personnel in matching the child's special education needs against the availability of educational services at the projected duty station.

Please use these fillable e-forms when possible and ensure all handwritten entries are legible. This will reduce errors and delays due to unreadable information.

Contact Us




Navy EFMP and OSS


TRICARE Area Office Director


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday:
8 a.m. to Noon and 1 to 3 p.m.
Wednesday: 8 a.m. to Noon
Third Thursday each month:
Closed after Noon for training
Weekends and Holidays: Closed
Navy EFMP and OSS

Monday–Friday: 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.


Joint Medical Readiness Center

Sunrise Pavilion, Floor 3, Reception 2

Related Links


Additional Information

For Air Force EFMP information please visit:
Air Force Medical Service EFMP 
Air Force Mission Statement 

For service-specific EFMP information,
please visit:
Marine Corps EFMP
Air Force EFMP


DD Form 2792
DD Form 2792-1

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!