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We are the premier military hospital in Northern Virginia for prenatal care and delivery in our exceptional Mother and Infant Care Center. If needed, we partner with Walter Reed Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) to provide specialty high risk obstetric care and ultrasound services.
After delivery, if your newborn needs special medical assistance, our on-site Special Care Nursery and highly trained Nursery staff are ready to provide their care. Should your little one need a higher level of care than what we can provide, we consult with and can transfer baby to the Walter Reed Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).
You and your family’s needs and best interests are at the heart of our mission. Our family-centered care encourages family support, your active participation, and choices before, during, and after your baby’s birth.
ATAMMC has been awarded and redesignated as a Baby-Friendly Hospital by Baby-Friendly USA, the accrediting body and national authority for the global Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative for providing optimal infant care and facilitating practices that promote mother-baby bonding.
1-800-TRICARE, Option 1
Monday–Wednesday, Friday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Thursday: 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Weekends and Holidays: Closed
Third Thursday each month: Closed for training during the afternoon
Oaks Pavilion, Floor 1, Room O1.400
Breast Care Center Contraceptive Care FAQ - Women's Health Gynecology Obstetrics Urogynecology