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MHS GENESIS has Arrived!
Saturday, March 25, 2023

Date: 3/27/2023

This morning at exactly 7:00 a.m., MHS GENESIS marked its GO LIVE event at the Belvoir Hospital!

In a show of esprit de corps and surrounded by Team Members, the hospital adopted its “Go Live” mascot, GENI the Caterpillar, who officially sprouted its wings and became a butterfly as the hospital enacted its new electronic health record system.

MHS GENESIS is the new electronic health record for the Military Health System and the Department of Defense. The rollout started in 2017 in the Pacific Northwest, and it has been working its way, more or less, west to east across the country since then.

The new system streamlines electronic health records, providing a single, secure health record for active-duty service members, veterans, and their families. To date, MHS GENESIS has gone live at the majority of military medical treatment facilities across the DoD; by the end of 2023, MHS GENESIS will be fully deployed across the globe.

MHS GENESIS has major advantages over the previous systems allowing for better management of chronic, complex, and time-sensitive health conditions. Increasing capabilities allows patients to securely engage directly with providers and improve provider-patient interaction time by consolidating patient information into one electronic health record. Additionally, MHS GENESIS provides continuity of care for service members anywhere in the world – from the date they enter into the military until transitioning to veteran status.

More detailed information is also available on the Belvoir Hospital Facebook page:

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