Health Clinics

DiLorenzo Pentagon Health Clinic

DiLorenzo Pentagon Health Clinic Occupational Health

Civilian Employee Health Services (CEHS)

Who we are

CEHS is an occupational and environmental medical clinic authorized by AI 0118 to provide occupational health and preventive medicine services for DOD Agency Heads. The clinic programs promote and maintain the physical and mental fitness of federal civilians and active duty personnel who occupy the Washington Headquarters Services administered facilities in the National Capital Region.  

Who we serve

Emergent care is provided to ALL non-military employees (DoD federal civilians and contractors) of the Pentagon. Emergencies such as severe pain, bleeding, difficulty breathing are examples of emergent care. If there is such a situation, please call 911 (Pentagon Police) immediately who will dispatch the emergency response protocol. Also, AEDs (Automatic External Defibrillators) are placed throughout Pentagon facilities. Please familiarize yourself with the AED closest to your location. A list of locations may be obtained from the WHS Safety office. 

Urgent care is available to DoD civilian federal employees for on the job injuries and work-related illnesses. Advice or triage can be provided for non-occupational injuries and illnesses. Employee will be referred to their private medical physician for personal medical issues. Care will be provided to stabilize the employee prior to the employee seeking care from a private physician. Employees who are contractors are expected to go to their employer for urgent care, but the clinic will provide initial treatment for severe job injuries/illnesses. 


Administrative Instruction (AI) 0118 “Civilian Employees’ Occupational Health and Medical Services Program” at

Additional Occupational Health Programs


Contact Us





Monday–Friday: 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Weekends and Holidays: Closed


DiLorenzo Pentagon Health Clinic

The Pentagon, Corridor 8
Washington, D.C. 20310


Agency Program
Building Safety Program
Civilian Programs
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