ATAMMC Operating Status, February 12, 2025. CLICK HERE to learn more.

Getting Care

Finding Your Way

Finding your way in Alexander T. Augusta Military Medical Center (ATAMMC), formerly Fort Belvoir Community Hospital, is simple, thanks to a wayfinding system designed with our patients in mind. Each building is identified by a unique nature- or patriotic-themed logo and color.

Image of Fort Belvoir Community Hospital Pavilion logos, including Meadows Pavilion, Sunrise Pavilion, Oaks Pavilion, Eagle Pavilion, River Pavilion, Warrior Pavilion, and Intrepid Pavilion

To locate a clinic or department, simply use the location information provided in the information box on each department page to find out where you're going before arriving at the hospital. Once you arrive, you'll be able to use directories in the hospital along with the directional signs which use the logos and colors shown here. The location information on each clinic web page provides the location, and signs throughout the hospital will guide you there using the logos and colors shown above. Directories are also posted in the hospital.

On this site, you'll see clinic and office locations identified by a small building layout shown in the information box on the right of each department page. For example, the graphic below shows the building layout which is used on the web page for our Family Medicine Clinic, and for all other clinics located in Eagle Pavilion. While the rest of the pavilions are shown in grey, Eagle Pavilion is shown using the pavilion logo and color, to make its location easily identifiable.

Fort Belvoir Community Hospital Map Eagle Pavilion

  • NOTE: While Warrior Pavilion and Intrepid Pavilion are shown in front of the hospital on the main campus in the graphic above (the buildings are not connected to the others), Warrior Pavilion is actually just down the street from the main campus, at 9501 Farrell Road, while the Intrepid Pavilion (Intrepid Spirit Center) is located behind Meadows Pavilion at 5980 9th Street, next door to the Soldier Family Assistance Center.

The location of clinics and departments is identified by building, floor number, and reception or room number. For example, the location of Family Medicine is listed as “Eagle Pavilion, Floor 1, Reception 2.” A patient going to Family Medicine would simply follow directional signs throughout the hospital to Eagle Pavilion, and then use easily identifiable signs within Eagle Pavilion to find the clinic.

Images showing signage for areas in the hospital corresponding to Pavilion, floor, and reception for wayfinding

If you've been provided with a room number, once again using Eagle Pavilion as an example, simply follow the building and floor signs, and then look for the specific room sign, an example of which is included here:

Images showing signage for areas in the hospital corresponding to Pavilion, floor, and room number for wayfinding

Please let us know if we can help you find your way in the hospital — our Ambassadors and Information Desk staff are available to provide personal assistance at each main entrance, and we invite you to request assistance from any staff member at any time. The phone numbers for each clinic are included on our website Directory — please use them to reach the clinics for additional personal assistance.

We sincerely thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you. We value your opinion and are dedicated to ensuring your time with us is positive, so please let us know how we can best serve you and your family to meet your healthcare needs.

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!