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MHS GENESIS Beneficiary Virtual Town Hall:
March 15, 2023

Date: 3/10/2023

The Belvoir Hospital will be holding a virtual town hall for our beneficiaries Wednesday, March 15 from noon until 1 p.m.

The intent of this event is to provide our beneficiaries the opportunity to ask questions regarding the roll out of our new electronic health record MHS GENESIS. We will have a panel with ancillary staff available for Q&A along with key staff from the MHS GENESIS transition team.

MHS GENESIS is the Military Health System's new electronic health record. When fully deployed, MHS GENESIS will provide a single health record for service members, veterans, and their families.

Dial in: +1 410-874-6747
Conference ID: 533 335 656#

More detailed information is also available on the Belvoir Hospital Facebook page:

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!