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Fort Belvoir Gate Access Update, August 8, 2024

Date: 8/8/2024

Thank you for your patience and understanding over the last several days. Unfortunately, these new security measures are necessary and were implemented to ensure the safety and security of our installation. We understand there are growing pains to these new changes, but we are working through those now with our partners around the installation.

Here are the latest updates to the new access control policy:

  • Deliveries entering the installation that currently have or are holding existing sponsorship privileges, will be searched and continue without delay. Deliveries such as AAFES, Quest Fuel services, Pepsi, Coca Cola, UPS, FedEx, and DHL.
  • All U.S. Military and DoD Civilian CAC holders that do not work or reside on the installation will NOT need a sponsor to escort them on the installation.
  • Individuals with DoD IDs and CACs that have expired are still required to produce 2 forms of identification to get a pass and will be required to have a sponsor escort them on the installation.
  • Parents who no longer possess a dependent ID card bringing a child on post who has a dependent ID for the purpose of medical or school services will need to get cleared for a 24-hour pass from the Visitor Control Center to proceed to the hospital for the medical appointment or school.
  • All FCPS buses, substitutes, and employees will continue coordinate with the school liaison to attain their passes from the Visitor Control Center. 
  • Food delivery, taxis, or ride-share services (Uber, Lyft, etc.) will only be allowed on Fort Belvoir if the driver hold a DoD ID Card. Otherwise, deliveries will need to occur outside the gate in the Tulley Gate visitor center.
  • All REX, Fairfax Connector and Metro Access buses will continue services on the installation with their current passes. Coordination will continue with the Visitor Control Center to obtain passes moving forward.
  • Contractors cannot sponsor another individual on Fort Belvoir.
  • Veterans Health Identification Card (VHIC) are still allowed on the installation. The VHIC will need to be registered at the Visitor Control Center and will be valid for access not to exceed 3 years.
  • Individuals without DoD IDs/CACs transporting the VHIC personnel to the Hospital will need to be cleared for a 24-hour pass from the Visitor Control Center.
  • All moving companies entering the installation providing services will need to have a sponsor once they have already been vetted through NCIC at Tulley search lanes.
  • Families that receive in-house medical care from nurses, home health care aids, therapists, etc. are allowed access. The family will need to sponsor them for the duration of the treatment for up to one year. The sponsor is also responsible for collecting the ID upon termination of care.
  • Residents and patrons hosting ceremonies/events on the installation will need to coordinate with the Visitor Control Center to submit their list of attendees to be pre-vetted NLT 14 days prior to the event or arrival on the installation. A sponsor will be required.

If you have any questions about gate access, we ask that you call the Visitor Control Center at 703-806-4892 or 703-806-4893.

See Installation Access/Gates page to ensure most up to date information from Fort Belvoir Garrison.

Detailed information is also available on the A.T. Augusta Military Medical Center Facebook page:

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!