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MHS GENESIS Tip of the Week
Friday, February 27, 2023

Date: 1/30/2023

The following information is intended to assist in your planning as we prepare to migrate our electronic health record (EHR) system in the coming months.

MHS GENESIS is the new electronic health record for the Military Health System. The health record delivers data to healthcare teams wherever patients receive treatment -- whether it’s at a medical facility within the Department of Defense, Department of Veterans Affairs or the U.S. Coast Guard. This record will stay with service members from the time of their enlistment through veteran status.

The Belvoir Hospital will be providing weekly "Tips of the Week" to provide tools to assist in this improvement process.


The MHS GENESIS Patient Portal will replace TRICARE Online after the records transfer using the same DS Logon access. Patients can also access their online health record by using a Common Access Card or DFAS account credentials. The Portal will provide 24/7 secure access to personal health information, to include lab results, secure messages with care teams, and more.

Please create a DS Logon account or upgrade your existing DS Logon to a premium account by going

Premium Account access through your DS Logon is required to access the Patient Portal where you can make appointments, speak with your provider via secure messaging, view records and referrals, renew prescriptions, and much more. A step-by-step guide is available on our website:

We also recommend printing any referral authorizations you have received and book appointments for routine/chronic care now.

If you have any questions regarding this transition, please contact your care team over secure messaging or at your next appointment.

Thank you for trusting the Belvoir Hospital for your health care needs.

More detailed information is also available on the Belvoir Hospital Facebook page:

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!